What is Parkinson’s disease? – Symptoms and Causes

What is Parkinson’s disease? – Symptoms and Causes  What is Parkinson’s disease?  In this disease, all the parts of the body keep shivering, so he feels difficulty walking.  He needs support to walk.  It is also known by the names of paralytic inflammation, paralysis, etc.  This is a disease in which the patient’s muscles produce stiffness.  This disease occurs after the age of 50 years.  This disease also occurs at a young age.  The body of the patient swells and the patient has difficulty walking.
What is Parkinson's disease? - Symptoms and Causes
What is Parkinson’s disease? – Symptoms and Causes 
 Causes of Parkinson’s:  In this disease, due to dopamine, the chemical released from the brain’s subluxate, the muscles are able to move and in the absence of this their activity stops, and the nerve cells become useless.  Due to this, the patient is unable to operate his muscles.  Unstable and free molecules are responsible for the death of nerve cells, which originate from the normal chemical reactions of the body, or due to a toxin obtained from inside, the disease also develops.  The disease may appear as a result of the toxic effects of drugs.  This disease can occur due to fatal head injury.  This disease is also caused by infection diseases.  This disease also occurs due to high blood pressure.  There is every possibility of getting this disease due to physical injury or mental stress.  Parkinson’s symptoms  Patients with this disease are often recognized from a distance.  The vibration occurs mainly in the hands and feet of the patient.  The vibration occurs during rest and ceases while working.  The vibration increases in mental stress, exhaustion, or coldness but does not occur while sleeping.  The patient’s body swells.  The patient has trouble walking.  The fingers of the hand move as if someone is moving with a pin and the patient does not wish to work on his own, he can sit in a chair without moving for hours.

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