Loss of Appetite: what to do when you are not hungry

The physiology of appetite is the scientific attempt to understand eating, the feelings associated with eating, and the contributions of eating to bodily homeostasis, body weight, and adiposity. Neural and endocrine signals encoding information about the flavor of food, gastrointestinal events, and metabolic events are integrated by the brain to produce eating. The principal signals occurring within meals are flavor stimuli, which give rise to hedonic judgments that can stimulate or inhibit eating during the meal, and satiation signals, which terminate the meal. Across-meal signals mediate longer-term influences on meal size and meal timing. All aspects of eating are fundamentally shaped by experience.

What is the reason for loss of appetite?

    Loss of appetite can occur in many situations.  In most cases, your appetite will return to normal once the underlying condition or cause is treated.

bacteria and virus

 Loss of appetite can be caused by bacterial, viral, fungal, or other infections at any location.

 Here are some of its results:

 an upper respiratory infection




 a skin infection


 Your appetite will return after proper treatment of the disease.

 psychological reasons.

 There are many psychological reasons for loss of appetite.  Many older adults lose their appetite, although experts aren’t exactly sure why.

 When you are sad, sad, sad, or anxious your appetite may also decrease.  Boredom and stress have also been linked to decreased appetite.

 Eating disorders, such as anorexia nervosa, can also cause an overall decreased appetite.  A person with anorexia nervosa goes through self-starvation or other methods to lose weight.

 People who have this condition are usually underweight and have a fear of gaining weight.  Anorexia nervosa can also lead to malnutrition.

 medical conditions

 Your appetite may be decreased due to the following medical conditions:

 chronic liver disease

 kidney failure

 stop beating





 Cancer can also cause a loss of appetite, especially if the cancer is concentrated in the following areas:





 Loss of appetite can also occur during the first trimester of pregnancy.


 Certain drugs and medications can reduce your appetite.  These include illegal drugs – such as cocaine, heroin, and amphetamines – along with prescribed drugs.

 Some drugs that reduce appetite include:

 some antibiotics


 opium extract

 chemotherapy drugs.

what to do when you are not hungry?

If a loss of appetite persists, and there is no obvious reason for it, see your GP. As you can see above, there is a huge list of potential causes. Your GP will want to rule out the more serious causes – in particular, cancer.

It is particularly important to see your GP as soon as possible if you have any of the following symptoms associated with a persisting lack of appetite:

Unintentional weight loss.

Difficulty swallowing.

Pain in your tummy (abdominal pain).

Swelling of your tummy.

Night sweats.

Feeling sick (nausea).


Low mood.

Feeling out of breath.


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