Heel Pain Symptoms and causes

  What is heel pain?

 Heel pain is a very common foot problem.  Heel pain can be quite severe and unbearable.  The human foot has 26 bones, with the heel bone being the largest.  Experts say that due to walking 1.25 times more than body weight and running 2.75 times more, there can be more pressure on the feet.  Due to this, the heel becomes weak and there is a pain in it.  In most cases, mechanical causes are responsible for heel pain.  Heel pain may occur due to arthritis, injury, stress-related problem, neurological problem, etc.

 Causes of heel pain

 Osteochondrosis affects bone development in children and adolescents.

 In Achilles tendinitis, pain or swelling occurs due to damage to the vein connecting the calf muscles to the heel.

 Bursas are fluid-filled bags that are found in your joints.  They surround the areas where muscles, skin, and muscle tissue connect to bones.

 Plantar fasciitis occurs when too much pressure on your feet causes damage to the plantar fascia ligament (tissues that attach your heel bone to the claw).  Due to this, the heel becomes hard and hurts.

 Due to fracture.

 Individuals who live more barefoot.  Pebbles prick the feet of such persons, due to which the bone gets affected and pain starts.

 People who wear slippers with high-heeled shoes.

 Symptoms of heel pain:

 Symptoms become severe soon after getting up from bed in the morning and after resting for a long time in the day.  After a bit of walking, there is a slight improvement in symptoms.  However, these symptoms may worsen again by the end of the day.

 The patient complains of fever with heel pain.

 Unable to walk

 There is a hearing in the heel.

 There is a tingling in the heel.

 There is swelling near the heel.

 The legs do not turn downwards.

 Continuous pain in the heel even after rest.

Heel pain prevention:

 Take care of the heel while playing and wear good quality shoes.

 To avoid heel pain, shoes that help reduce pressure on the heel during walking are very helpful, such as pads under the heel.  Make sure the shoes fit your feet and that the sole is comfortable.  If a particular shoe causes pain in your heel, do not wear it.

 Avoid staying barefoot.

 Running and running in overweight individuals puts pressure on the heel.  So try to lose weight.

 If you have heel pain, then get enough rest.

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