Aphthae ( Aphthous mouth ulcers ): Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Aphthous mouth ulcers (aphthae) are a common variety of ulcers that form on the mucous membranes, typically in the oral cavity (mouth). Other names for aphthous ulcers include aphthous stomatitis and canker sores.

     Aphthous ulcers are generally round in shape and form in the soft areas of the mouth such as the inside of the lips, the cheeks, or the underside of the tongue. They are benign, non-contagious, and can occur as single ulcers or in clusters.

What causes aphthae?

Emotional stress and lack of sleep.

Mechanical trauma, for example, self-inflicted bite.

Nutritional deficiency, particularly of vitamin B, iron, and folic acid.

Certain foods, including chocolate.

Certain toothpaste; may relate to sodium laureth sulfate (the foaming component of toothpaste) .


Certain medications, including. nicorandil, given for angina.

Viral infections.

Symptoms of aphthae ulcers :

Aside from the ulcers (aphthae) themselves, the condition has very few symptoms. Before ulceration occurs, some individuals may begin to feel a burning or itching sensation inside the mouth, which can be painful. Once the ulceration occurs, localized pain of various degrees is often present.

Home Remedies for aphthae :

   rinsing with salt water.

 rinsing with a solution of baking soda/sodium bicarbonate and water.

 Use of Milk of Magnesia for Ulcers After Rinsing.

 Apply ice cubes or cubes to the affected area to reduce swelling.

 Teething ointments containing local anesthetic to manage pain and discomfort.

 edge off.

 avoiding hard foods or foods that may scratch the inside of the mouth.

 Nutritional supplements such as vitamin B-12 capsules, vitamin D capsules, folate tablets or zinc tablets may also reduce the risk of developing canker sores.

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