Unexplained Weight Loss : Symptoms and Causes

 What is sudden weight loss?

 The body weight is sometimes less and sometimes more.  But if suddenly your body weight starts decreasing rapidly, then you may be in danger.

 Losing weight is not a joy.  If you are not working out or dieting, yet you are losing weight, it could be a sign of serious danger.  It is believed that body weight does not remain the same all the time.  The body weight is sometimes less and sometimes more.  But if suddenly your body weight starts decreasing rapidly, then you may be in danger.


 Reasons for weight loss:

 Diabetes is a metabolic problem in which the blood sugar level in your body is high.  There can be two reasons for this, either your body is not able to manufacture insulin, or your body is not able to respond to insulin, or both of these reasons can be there.

 Depression is a mood disorder characterized by feeling sad, anxious, anxious, or irritable for several days.

 Thyroid glands produce thyroid hormones that control the body’s metabolism.  For example, your heartbeat, how quickly you burn calories, and digestion.  They also control the level of calcium in the body.  When the thyroid glands make too much thyroid, that condition is called hyperthyroidism.


 Tuberculosis is known by many names such as tuberculosis, tuberculosis, and tuberculosis.  Tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by a bacterium called Mycobacterium tuberculosis.  This disease can also affect the kidneys, spinal cord, or brain.

 COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) is a group of lung diseases that cause difficulty in breathing.  Due to swelling in the bronchial tubes, which carry air to the lungs, air cannot reach.  This causes damage to the lungs.


 Inflammation in the intestine:

 This disease is also called IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Disease).  In this, there is inflammation in the intestines, which causes abdominal pain and also causes malnutrition.


 Hormonal disorders:

 Addison’s disease is a hormonal disorder in which the adrenal glands make insufficient amounts of hormones.  Specifically, cortisol and in some cases aldosterone.  It can happen to people of all ages and to both men and women.

 In cancer, abnormal cells start growing in any part of the body.  Cancer can start in the skin or cells and then spread anywhere in the body.  When cancer occurs in the brain and spinal cord, it is called central nervous system cancer.


 HIV is also a virus like other viruses, the only difference is that while other viruses are destroyed by our immune system, this virus cannot be eliminated.  Rather, this virus destroys our immune system.  The last stage of HIV is AIDS.

 Parkinson’s Disease is a disease of the nervous system that causes tightness and looseness in the body and face.  This disease cannot be completely cured but it can be cured with medicines.


 Symptoms of weight loss:

 Frequent urination, excessive thirst, increased appetite, weight gain (type 2 diabetes), sudden weight loss (type 1 diabetes), fatigue, poor wound healing, and numbness in the hands and feet.

 More or less sleep, trouble concentrating, negative thoughts, feelings of hopelessness, feeling helpless, irritability, suicidal ideation, and sudden and heavy weight loss.

 Rapid and irregular heartbeat, excessive sweating, sudden weight loss, rapid breathing, panic attacks, fatigue, mood swings, etc.  However, not everyone shows these symptoms.  Some people may even see less.


 Cough, sometimes coughing up blood, chest pain, fatigue, weight loss, fever, and night sweats.

 Symptoms usually do not appear until there is significant damage to the lungs.  Its symptoms include shortness of breath, tightness in the chest, frequent infections, blue lips, fatigue, and heavy weight loss in the later stages.

 Diarrhea, Abdominal pain, cramps, Loss of appetite, Weight loss, Blood in stools, and Ulcers.

 Symptoms of each type of cancer may be different, but there are some symptoms that are common.  Such as weight loss, fatigue, unexplained pain in muscles and joints, night sweats, skin changes, etc.


 Symptoms of HIV infection are not visible properly, but when it starts to become AIDS, symptoms like fever, sore throat, muscle pain, swelling of lymph nodes, and fatigue start appearing.  Sudden weight loss and breathing problems may also occur.

 Problems with balance, slowing of spontaneous body movements such as blinking, smiling, or extending the arms, muscle stiffness, difficulty speaking, and sudden weight loss.  However, weight loss is not the main symptom of this disease.


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