Leucas Aspera Q Symptoms uses and Banefit – Dr.Willmar Schwabe India Leucas Aspera Q

Leucas Aspera Q Symptoms uses and Banefit – Dr.Willmar Schwabe India Leucas Aspera Q 

Leucas Aspera Q Symptoms uses and Banefit - Dr.Willmar Schwabe India Leucas Aspera Q
Leucas Aspera Q 

Dronapushpi (Leucas Aspera Q)-

 This medicine is a panacea for making the venom of snake and scorpion ineffective.  After cleaning, mix 5 to 10 drops of the medicine in water and give it to the patient after 15-20 minutes and after entering the snake bite wound, rub it vigorously or enter it through syringe.  The severe burning, pain and swelling of the sting go away.  If the patient becomes unconscious due to snake venom, then the patient will come to his senses after inhaling the patient’s nose.

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