Indigestion symptoms and causes

 What is Indigestion?

 It is a pain or discomfort in the upper abdomen.  When stomach acid comes into contact with the sensitive protective surface of the digestive system, indigestion can occur.  The acids produced in the stomach damage the protective surface of the digestive system, causing irritation and inflammation, which can be painful.  In most cases, indigestion is related to eating, although it can also be caused by other factors, such as smoking, alcohol, pregnancy, stress, or taking certain medications.  Most people suffering from indigestion do not have swelling in the digestive system.


 Causes of Indigestion:

 Causes of peptic ulcer.

 Due to excess obesity.

 Individuals who smoke in large amounts.

 Some antibiotics also cause indigestion.

 Causes of stomach cancer.

 When nervous.

 Causes of inflammation on the pancreas.

 If there are stones in the gallbladder.

 Due to swelling in the stomach.


 In case of bacterial infection.

 Due to hernia.

 After eating a large amount of food.

 On consuming fatty or high-oil foods.

 Causes of frequent eating.

 Eating more spicy foods.

 Excess consumption of alcohol

 Use more chocolate.

 Consumption of gassed beverages in large quantities.

 Excessive consumption of drugs.


 Symptoms of Indigestion:

 Sometimes people suffering from indigestion also experience chest irritation, but chest irritation and indigestion are two different conditions.  Chest irritation is a pain or burning sensation in the middle of your chest that can spread to your neck or back during meals or after meals.

 Stomach full after meals.

 The patient experiences a burning sensation in the upper abdomen.

 There is swelling in the upper abdomen.

 There is a complaint of vomiting.

 Very filling stomach during meals.

 There is a burning sensation in the upper abdomen.

 There are complaints of headaches.

 Anxiety is experienced.

 The patient remains restless all the time.


 Avoidance of Indigestion:

 Do not exercise when you are full.  Exercise before meals or at least 1 hour after meals.

 Do not lie down immediately after having meals.

 Go to sleep at least 3 hours after having dinner.

 Eat less food, so that your stomach does not have much difficulty in digesting that food.

 eat slowly.

 Avoid acidic foods.

 Avoid alcohol consumption

 Avoid wearing extremely tight clothes.  These can put pressure on your stomach, which can cause the food you eat to go down your food pipe.

 Avoid caffeinated foods and beverages or use them in moderation.

 If stress increases indigestion, learn new ways to get rid of it, such as rest and biofeedback techniques.

 If you smoke, quit this habit, or at least do not smoke before or after eating, as smoking can irritate your stomach.


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