Facial Paralysis symptoms and causes

  What is facial paralysis?

 When the movement of facial muscles decreases due to any type of damage in the veins, this condition is called facial paralysis.  This makes the muscles of the face appear weak or hanging.  It can occur on one or both sides of the face.  Facial paralysis may develop suddenly or gradually.  Facial paralysis can last for a short time or even longer, depending on its cause.


 Causes of facial paralysis:

 Bell’s palsy is the most common cause of facial paralysis.  This condition causes swelling and redness in the facial veins due to which the muscles on one side of the face hang and become weak.

 Stroke is the most serious cause of facial paralysis.  Facial paralysis occurs during stroke, the nerves that control the facial muscles are damaged in the brain.  Depending on the type of stroke, brain cells are either damaged due to a lack of oxygen or due to excessive pressure in the brain due to excessive bleeding.  In both these cases, the brain cells are destroyed in a single minute.

 Some congenital problems such as Mobius syndrome and Melkerson-Rosenthal syndrome can also cause children to have facial paralysis during birth.

 Due to fracture or injury to the skull bone.

 In case of any type of tumor in the head or neck.

 Causes of bacterial infection.

 Due to facial injuries.

 In case of any type of ear infection.

 Symptoms of facial paralysis:

 More saliva drips from the mouth.

 Pain is felt in the ear or behind the ear.

 There is difficulty in eating or drinking anything.

 It is difficult to stop the air in the mouth.

 The patient is unable to bear voice.

 There is difficulty in speaking, that is, speaking vaguely.

 The mouth of the affected part appears to be hanging.

 Taste changes.

 There is fewer tears from the eye in the paralyzed area.

 Avoiding the blink of the paralyzed eyelid.

 Yadav also has an impact.

 There is a lack of concentration.

 Weakness is felt in the arms and legs on one side of the body.

 There is also a change in the light of the eyes.

 There is a complaint of dizziness.

 Epileptic seizures may occur.

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