Colic Pain Symptoms causes and Treatment

 What is colic pain?

 Colic is often associated with infants, but it can occur in adults too.

Infant colic: occurs in some babies during their first months. It refers to when a baby cries with no obvious cause and the crying lasts for more than 3 hours a day, 3 days a week for at least 1 week.

There can be different types of adult colic, such as biliary colic, renal colic, and intestinal colic. Colic refers to pain, usually associated with the intestines and urinary system. The colicky pain can occur once, or recur for weeks, months, or years after the initial pain.

Biliary colic: is produced by the distension of the gallbladder, usually by a gallstone. Renal colic: sudden and intense pain caused by kidney or urinary stones. Intestinal colic: cramps in the intestines, caused by a blockage in the large or small intestine.

Colic pain Causes : 

     Despite much research into this common condition, the cause of colic remains unknown. There are many theories; however, some babies have colic when no clear factors seem to be the cause. Popular theories include:

Maternal diet – certain foods in the mother’s diet may cause symptoms of food allergy or intolerance in her breastfed baby. Some studies have found that particular foods eaten by the mother including cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, chocolate, onions, and cow’s milk can cause an attack of colic in her breastfed infant.

Maternal drug-taking – caffeine and nicotine in breast milk have been linked to infant irritability since the baby’s body isn’t able to efficiently get rid of these substances.

Feeling of fullness – babies may overreact to the unfamiliar sensations of gas or fullness and may interpret these feelings as painful or alarming.

General immaturity – babies may take a few months to adjust to life outside the womb.

Colic pain Symptoms :

      Fussing and crying are normal for infants, especially during the first three months.  And the range for what is normal crying is difficult to pin down.  In general, colic is defined as crying for three or more hours a day, three or more days a week, for three or more weeks.

Features of colic may include the following:

 Intense crying that may seem more like screaming or an expression of pain

 Crying for no apparent reason, unlike calling to express hunger or the need for a diaper change

 Extreme fussiness even after calling has diminished

 Predictable timing, with episodes, often occurring in the evening

 Facial discolorings, such as reddening of the face or paler skin around the mouth

 Bodily tension, such as pulled up or stiffened legs, stiffened arms, clenched fists, arched back, or tense abdomen

 Sometimes there is relief in symptoms after the infant passes gas or has a bowel movement.  Gas is likely the result of swallowed air during prolonged crying.

Colic pain homeopathic treatment :


Sudden onset of intense, cutting, and clutching pain may signal a need for this remedy. The upper abdomen may look tense and swollen, and jarring or light touch makes the discomfort worse. Some relief may come from pressing firmly on the area or bending forward. The person may either seem excitable with dilated eyes, or woozy with discomfort.


Extreme stitching pain in the abdomen that is worse from the slightest motion suggests a need for this remedy. The abdomen may seem bloated and tender to touch, and talking or breathing increases discomfort. Keeping warm and lying completely still may bring relief.

Carbo vegetabilis

This remedy is often indicated when a person has a distended abdomen with colicky pain and belching. The face may look very pale, and the hands and feet may be cold. Faintness, weakness, and a strong desire for moving air are other indications of Carbo vegetabilis.


This remedy is indicated when a person is hypersensitive to pain. It is especially helpful to colicky babies who desperately scream or shriek and want to be constantly rocked and carried. The abdomen may be distended with gas, and pain can be focused in the navel region. Hot perspiration and facial flushing (sometimes only one cheek) are other indications of Chamomilla.


Cramping, cutting pain that makes the person double over is a strong indication for this remedy. Pressing hard against the abdomen usually brings relief. Babies who need this remedy look extremely anxious and often feel relief when carrying tummy-down on someone’s arm. Adults who experience painful colic after feeling angry or indignant (especially if suppressing it) may also benefit from Colocynthis.

Cuprum metallicum

If intense abdominal pain with violent spasms and cramping occurs at intervals, this remedy may bring relief. The abdomen feels tender, tight, and hot, and drinking cold water may bring improvement. The person’s face may look extremely tense, or even contorted, with pain.


Abdominal pain that feels better from bending backward often is relieved by this remedy. Babies may arch their backs and try to stay in that position. Pain comes in paroxysms, often with gas and burping, or with nausea.

Magnesia phosphorica

Colicky pain that is relieved by warmth and pressure often responds to this remedy. Hot water bottles, heating pads, or drinking something warm can soothe discomfort, and rubbing the abdomen may also help. The person (often a baby) may seem nervous from the pain and can be irritable or fearful.

Nux vomica

This remedy is helpful for tense and impatient people when colicky pains result from overeating or from overindulgence in coffee, alcohol, and other strong or stimulating substances. The abdomen feels tight, and constricting pains press upward, making breathing difficult. Warm applications and warm drinks may bring relief. Infants who need this remedy often arch their backs and seem impatient and angry.

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