Amoebiasis Symptoms and Causes

  What is amoebiasis?

     Amoebiasis is an infectious disease of the large intestine.  Symptoms emerge in about 10% of affected patients.  In this, the patient gets diarrhea and dysentery.  Amoebiasis is not a specific or unusual disease.  People usually and often fall prey to this disease.  In this busy and stressful life of today, there is a possibility of this disease due to irregular and imbalanced food and drink.  Most people suffer from minor stomach ailments.  Amoebiasis is also a stomach disease.  If you recognize this disease in time, then it can be cured by treatment, or else the situation gets complicated which results in terrible consequences.


    Amoebiasis is a worldwide problem.  It is estimated that this parasite lives in the intestines of about 50 million people and causes symptoms of disease in many 50 million people.  This disease is directly related to clean drinking water food and cleanliness.  It is more prone to outbreaks in places where it is not managed.  There is hardly anyone who has never had symptoms of dysentery with torsion in life.  Doctors also start treating the treatment of every stomach disease as Amoebiasis disease.  It is estimated that half of the country’s population suffers from this disease, although only 10% show signs of the disease.

 Causes of amoebiasis:

 Entamoeba histolytica is a major cause of this disease.  It enters the body as a cyst and further transitions by completing its course of life.  Many other parts of the body also suffer from this disease due to a lack of timely treatment.  The eggs of this organism lie in the feces of the person suffering from this disease.  These eggs are very fine.  Which enter the body through contaminated water or food.  This disease is spread by flies, it can happen from one person to another.


    There is a possibility of spreading this disease by eating vegetables without any dry and contaminated fruits.  The flies sit on the stool and fly from there and contaminate them by sitting on open foods and after reaching the intestines, the organism comes out of these eggs and starts damaging the intestinal wall. The reason is that immediately after eating the contaminant  It only takes several months after symptoms do not occur.  The second reason is that these symptoms appear very slowly.  The person does not think seriously about this.  He feels that there is a slight upset in the stomach.

 Symptoms of amoebiasis:

 All the time there is a gurgle in the stomach or sometimes heard.

 The patient complains of ooze or blood in the thin stool for a long time, but in the middle, the patient may have a normal stool or may complain of constipation.

 Diarrhea comes with bad odor.

 There can be complaints of simple and loose motions ranging from ALL and bloody dysentery.

 The patient has to go for diarrhea two to three times.

 Initially, the stomach becomes heavy and gas is formed.

 Stomach cramps, the pain remains.

 The pain does not arise loudly, just a feeling of discomfort.

 On some days, thin stools, and on some days constipation occurs again and again.

 The presence of feces in the rectum is realized only after excretion.

 There is a mild fever.


 Initially, the blood comes continuously with diarrhea.

 The vomiting does not come, but it keeps on nausea.

 The patient experiences weakness in the body when there is excess blood.

 Diarrhea occurs 4 to 6 times each day.

 Due to ulcers in the large intestine, there is more torsion downwards.

 If too much ulcer is formed in the rectum, the patient only bleeds with torsion.

 Their blood pressure is low.

 There is a pain in the part of the colon.

 Sometimes there is intense pain at the place where the seam is found, but very rarely it is found.

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