Terminalia Chebula Q Symptoms, Uses and Banefit


Terminalia Chebula Q Symptoms, Uses, and Benefits.


Terminalia Chebula Q Symptoms, Uses and Banefit.

Terminalia Chebula Q – 


H has been successfully used in Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years.  Loss of appetite, Flatulence, Excessive production of air, Heavy stomach after meals, Heart burden, Headache, Thin stools or frequent bowel movements due to indigestion of food, Indigestion, Sleeplessness, Chronic constipation,  The stool in the stomach becomes very dry, small amounts of stool come with great difficulty, hemorrhoids, chronic dysentery, enteritis and wounds, old friends, you can make 100% patient healthy by drinking this tincture.  Bad smell from the mouth, dizziness, excessive thirst, filth on the tongue, desire to eat food, but stool comes with difficulty in small amounts, if the food is not available, the patient should be drenched with sweat by mixing 3 to 15 drops in a little water.  Keep drinking three times a day.


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