Lumbar Disk Disease – Apnaupchar

Lumbar Disk Disease: Symptoms, Causes, & Treatment What is Lumbar Disk Disease? The vertebral section, or spine, is comprised of 33 vertebrae that are isolated by light circles. The spine is separated into 4 regions: Cervical spine: The initial 7 vertebrae, situated in the neck Thoracic spine: The following 12 vertebrae, situated in the chest … Read more

Lumbar Disk Disease : Symptoms, Causes, & Treatment

Lumbar Disk Disease: Symptoms, Causes, & Treatment What is Lumbar Disk Disease? The vertebral section, or spine, is comprised of 33 vertebrae that are isolated by light circles. The spine is separated into 4 regions: Cervical spine: The initial 7 vertebrae, situated in the neck Thoracic spine: The following 12 vertebrae, situated in the chest … Read more