Solidago Virgaurea Q Symptoms Uses and Banefit


Solidago Q Symptoms Uses and Banefit


Solidago Q Symptoms Uses and Banefit


 Solidago Virgaurea Q –


 Dr. Wardin writes to me, a woman told me that her husband would stop urinating for a year and had to remove urine by inserting a rubber catheter.  But with this medicine, urine started coming without catheter.  In the age group of 50 to 75 years who had to remove their urine through a catheter, this drug started passing urine without a catheter.  Chronic inflammation and pain of kidneys and bladder, in old age, due to enlargement of prostate gland (prostate gland), urine stops, if there is pain in the waist, if there are stones, stones or sand in the kidneys or bladder, mix 4 to 15 drops of the medicine in a little water.  Drink two to three times a day.


Read more – Aletris Farinosa Q Benefit 👈


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