Justicia Adhatoda Q Homoeopathic mother Tincture Symptoms Uses and Banefit in english


Justicia Adhatoda Q Homoeopathic mother Tincture Symptoms Uses and Banefit in english.

Justicia Adhatoda Q

Tincture Bansa (Justicia Adhatoda Q)

    This tincture is made from Bansa (Adusa. This medicine is used to treat lung diseases like tuberculosis (chronic fever), bleeding from the lungs into mucus, frequent nausea, cold, cough, difficulty in breathing.  Slow-fever, Whooping cough, Weakness of lungs, Bronchitis pneumonia, If tshick mucus is accumulated in the airways but does not come out, then this medicine dilutes the phlegm and removes it easily. In whooping cough, the child’s breathing stops, asthma  If I stop breathing and suffocate, then mixing 3 to 8 drops in water and giving it to drink, all these troubles go away.

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