Halonias Dioica Mother Tincture Q Symptoms Uses and Banefit

Halonias Dioica Mother Tincture Q Symptoms Uses and Banefit.

Halonias Dioica Mother Tincture Q Symptoms Uses and Banefit in hindi

Halonias Dioica Q –

     It is a wonderful medicine that strengthens the uterus of women.  Water woman should not have any desire to have sex, she should not be afraid to go near her husband, she should not have sex in her mind. The woman should be unhappy all the time, there is burden and pain in her uterus all the time, smelly blood mixed with liquid from the uterus.  Come out, after leucorrhoea from the uterus, more and more blood starts coming, white water comes, fear of pregnancy, uterus comes down and turns, pain and swelling in breasts, hurts even after applying cloth, waist  In chronic pain, mix 5 drops in some water and give it thrice a day.

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