Dr.Willmar Schwabe India Rauwolfia Serpentine Q Symptoms, Uses and Banefit


Dr.Willmar Schwabe India Rauwolfia Serpentine Q Symptoms, Uses and Banefit.

Dr.Willmar Schwabe India Rauwolfia Serpentine Q Symptoms, Uses and Banefit

Rauwolfia Serpentine Q – 

   This Indian medicine small sandalwood is being used by allopathic doctors all over the world.  Small sandalwood has been successfully used in all the mad asylums of the world on the zealous madmen who are bound by chains, to kill others and to run away.  This medicine breaks the spirits of the lunatics within 2-4 days and they start feeling sleepy.  This medicine is very successful medicine for high blood pressure patients.  High blood pressure becomes normal within a few days.  With this medicine, you can make the patients of terrible zealous lunatic and high blood pressure healthy.  Patients who are unable to sleep, they start getting deep sleep with this medicine.  Keep drinking 5 to 10 drops soaked in some water 2-3 times a day and once in the night to the zealous nuts.  Do not give this medicine to weak and old lunatics who remain silent.

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