Black Fungus Symptoms and Causes

What is black fungus?

 This is a rare infection also known as mucormycosis.  This is proving to be dangerous in Covid-19 patients or in cured patients.  If time is not taken care of then 50-80 percent of the patients may also die from it.  This is a fungal infection that infects those people who are on drugs for some reason or the other.  Because of this, their ability to fight microbes decreases.  In such people, infection is spread through the air to the sinuses or lungs.

 The medical name of the black fungus is mucormycosis.  Which is a rare and dangerous fungal infection.  Black fungus infection occurs due to the presence of microorganisms called mucormycites present in places like soil, soil.  There is a possibility of these microorganisms inhaling or getting into skin contact.  This infection often attacks the sinuses, lungs, skin, and brain in the body.


 Causes of black fungus:

 This disease is caused by a fungus called mucoramycites.  This fungus reaches the rest of the body through the nose.  Usually, this fungus is in the air and goes through the nose through the breath.  In many cases, infection occurs even after coming in contact with this fungus or cut or burnt places of the body.  That is, the nose is the main place of its penetration, but it can attack any part of the body.

 Symptoms of black fungus:

 Black fungus is seen mostly in those patients who are suffering from diabetes.  Such patients should control diabetes.  According to experts, the black fungus also affects the ability to see, in addition to headaches, fever, eye pain, nasal congestion, or sinuses.


 Eye ache


 Weakening of the eye.

 Pain in chest.

 Shortness of breath.

 Sinus congestion.

 Blood in the stool.



 Swelling on either side of the face.

 Black marks inside the mouth or on the nose.

 stomach ache.


 Redness, blisters, or swelling on some part of the body.

 Bleeding from the nose, crust formation, or something black.

 Nasal congestion, head and eye pain, swelling near the eyes, blurred vision, red eyes, less visible, difficulty in opening and closing the eye.

 Numbness or tingling feeling in the face.

 Having trouble opening the mouth or chewing something.

 To detect such symptoms, check yourself in good light every day so that any effect can be seen on the face.

 Teeth fall, swelling inside or around the mouth.

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