Berberis Vulgaris Q Symptoms, uses and Banefit

Berberis Vulgaris Q Symptoms, uses and Banefit.
Berberis Vulgaris Q Symptoms, uses and Banefit

Berberis Vulgaris Q.

    This medicine gives immediate relief to severe pain- kidney (nephropathy), formation of stones in kidney and bladder, tormenting colic, when the stones get stuck.  When the patient gets arrow pain instead of kidney, which goes to the patient’s testicles and thighs.  Biting pain in urinary system.  The patient starts suffering from pain, less urine, burning drop by drop, dark color comes from pain, sand and stones come in urine, kidney, gall bladder and bladder stones and sand and hepatic colic, it is a medicine to show miracles.  Give 5 to 10 drops after half an hour if there is agonizing pain.  When the disease subsides, mix it with some water thrice a day and drink it.

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