Achyranthes Aspera Mother Tincture Q Symptoms, Uses and Banefit


Achyranthes Aspera Mother Tincture Q Symptoms, Uses, and Benefits.


Achyranthes Aspera Mother Tincture Q Symptoms, Uses and Banefit

 Achyranthes Aspera Q


   Its tincture is a successful medicine for carbuncle, toxic infectious boils whose poison is afraid of spreading in the whole body, bleeding from boils, worms, stinking wounds.  Mixing it with 8 times water, dipping the cloth pad in this solution and placing it on the carbuncle, like keeping burning embers in them, the pain and burning sensation goes away in 10-15 minutes.  To heal poisonous wounds, make a pad or ointment, apply it on the wound and mix 2-3 drops in water and drink it.  Mixing 5 drops of the medicine in a little root and giving it three times a day.


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